So I recently was stupid and got my glasses stolen at the beach (if you want to help me get some more my Venmo is @Isaiah-Suarez-29) and since then I’ve been looking at everything differently (literally) but also spiritually. It started off as me going surfing and realizing I accidentally left my glasses on. I didn’t want to go back, so I made a big cross in the sand so I wouldn’t lose them and prayed they wouldn’t get stolen, in complete confidence they were going to be there when I got back because who would steal prescription glasses because they’re made for my eyes. They aren’t going to work properly on someone else’s eyes. Also, I prayed for something like this earlier why can’t I now? I realized two things that day God isn’t this genie in a bottle for when you’re too lazy/ embarrassed to walk back to your locker and also even though they might not work perfectly for someone’s eyes they still might be able to see better with my glasses than with no glasses.
I’ve been thinking about how they hopefully are getting put to good use because I will eventually be able to buy a new pair of glasses, on the other end who ended up with my glasses may have never owned a pair of glasses if they didn’t take mine. So was it wrong— yes it was wrong but I hope and pray they are getting put to good use. I have also been more bold in my prayers to God. I’ve been asking him for things that I believe he can do but I don’t believe he will do them in my life. Has he answered my prayers? Not yet, and he might not answer them the way I want or expect him to answer. And that is okay because I’m not God; if I were, we would be in a much worse place now. He has a plan for everyone and his plans are better than anything we could plan and all evil will be used to glorify him in the end.
Right before we went surfing on Saturday I read Isaiah 45 because a barista at a local coffee shop told me to and then I read verse 7 which said “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” God created evil and he is the ultimate authority over what he does and so if something evil happens to us it will be to glorify or bring us closer to God in some way shape or form. Whether it be to grow our faith or humble ourselves when needed all evil will be used for God’s use and will ultimately end up good because we serve a good and faithful God.