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Actually, they’re kinda awesome pieces of math and science and whatever goes into the— The point I’m trying to get at is that I haven’t had wifi/ or at least good enough wifi to actually do anything in about two weeks. I think I have kinda lost track over time. But These last two weeks have been awesome.
So, let’s backtrack a little first if y’all don’t know me I’m shy I’m not going to try and hide it or anything it’s not something I necessarily like because I don’t believe that’s who God designed me to be, and before leaving for South Africa I was praying in the Airport for what the lord wants this next season of life he wants me to walk into is relationships. So I’ve been trying to do that, more and more. Honestly, it’s harder than I thought it would be and I’m doing it quite slowly. But I have put down my phone throughout most of the day and just be present and jump into things that would grow relationships whether playing a dumb, but fun, game of Uno, laying bricks, or just talking to my squad mates about their day and how ministry is; it’s been amazing. Even when in my stillness I’m growing relationships because I don’t have the constant mind-numbing device in my face. And my eyes are almost being forced to God and I love it.
Again I am NOT saying electronics are bad at all there amazing tools and can bring entertainment, but what I am saying is that at least for me they are overused. One of our coaches said well in Thailand our “phones are great connecting tools, but once you are actually around people they become separating tools.” Or as Mr. Han from the karate kid once said, “Wu ji bi fan too much good stuff is a bad stuff”. So right now I’m using my phone less and my laptop less to press into relationships it’s going pretty great.

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